Material ScienceperformanceABS(acrylonitrile, butadiene, styrene)High impact strength, chemical stability, good electrical performance, good dimensional stability, small shrinkage, moderate price. But the temperature of heat deformation is low (high temperature resistance 70 ℃, low temperature resistance - 40 ℃), which is easy to aging, discoloration and even cracking, and easy to melt in aldehyde, ketone and vinegar.PC(polycarbonate)Impact resistance, good toughness, high transparency, creep resistance, good dimensional stability (temperature, depth, environment will not change with it), internal temperature up to 110 ℃ self extinguishing, small water absorption, good flame retardant and electrical insulation. However, when the internal force is large, it will crack; the injection moldin...
IP防护等级是由两个数字所组成,第1个数字表示灯具离尘、防止外物侵入的等级,第2个数字表示灯具防湿气、防水侵入的密闭程度,数字越大表示其防护等级越高,两个标示数字所表示的防护等级如表所示: 等级 第一数字 防尘第二个数字 防液体 0没有防护 没有防护 1防止大于50mm的固体物体侵入防止滴水侵入2防止大于12mm的固体物体侵入倾斜15度时仍可防止滴水侵入3防止大于2.5mm的固体物体侵入防止喷洒的水侵入,防雨,或防止与垂直的夹角小于60度的方向所喷洒的水进入4防止大于1.0mm的固体物体侵入防止各方向飞溅而来的水进入5完全防止外物侵入,但不能完全防止灰尘进入防止各自各方向由喷嘴射出的水进入6完全防止外物侵入,且可完全防止灰尘进入。防止因大浪的侵袭而进入造成损坏7浸在水中一定时间或水压在一定的标准以下能确保不因进水而造成损坏8无限期的沉没在指定水压的状况下,能确保不因进水而造成损坏